A healthy hug in a mug: {Lemon and ginger tea}

A healthy hug in a mug: {Lemon and ginger tea}

It is widely publicised that we should start off our morning with a mug of warm water and lemon but how about adding some fresh ginger in there? I adore this drink and have a mug most mornings.

Growing up, my parents would always make me honey, lemon and ginger in hot water to drink whenever I was ill and I adored it. It is fine to add the honey or agave syrup but for that slightly healthier edge and a way to prevent spiking your blood sugar and insulin levels, why not just have lemon and ginger? I love that tiny heated burn that ginger gives you. I also feel a strong sense of satisfaction whenever I drink ginger because it really feels like it is doing you some good.

I like to buy a fresh ginger chunk from the supermarket. At about 40-50p for a large chunk, which will last you months, you may as well give this drink a go. I chop it up in to little pieces and store it in a Tupperware pot in my freezer. It will keep for a very long time.

Below is the recipe for how I make mine. Make sure you read to the end for the health benefits of lemon and ginger.


1. Either chop up half a lemon or squeeze half a lemon into your mug.

2. Throw in a few chunks of your frozen ginger (fresh ginger is fine too).

3. Cover in hot water.

4. Et voila x

Lemon benefits

Clear skin- lemon helps prevent skin wrinkles and acne.

Immune system- lemon is known to help maintain your immune system and protect you from many illnesses. This is because of its high quantity of Vitamin C.

Flushes out toxins- lemon is great to drink at any time of the day. It aids digestion.

Ginger benefits

Gingerols- ginger is full of gingerols helping with muscle pain and soreness after injury or tough workouts.

Immune boosting- helps produce healthy sweating. In turn helping us naturally detox and great for when we have a cold or the flu.

Helps alleviate nausea- if you get travel sick or have an anxious belly it is great to consume some form of ginger. Having ginger in your hot drink can help calm your anxiousness. It can even help with those time of the month belly cramps.


1 Comment

  1. October 12, 2015 / 8:51 am

    Great information Megan – really useful.
    Thank you 🙂

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