Top 10 Christmas Books

Top 10 Christmas Books

Christmas can be a stressful time for a lot of us.
So many presents to buy, cards to send, outfits to decide on.
One of the best ways to de-stress is to wrap up all cosy on the sofa with a mug of tea and read a good book.
Christmas books are my absolute favourite because you can transport yourself to a festive land.
Below I have chosen my Top 10 Christmas Books that you must own.
(Each book name below is a hyperlink so you can easily find the book on Amazon).

1. Christmas A Very Peculiar History
This book feels like a special gift. The pages are edged with gold leaf. The pictures are beautifully annotated.
You will learn so much about the history of Christmas but in a very fun way.

2. The Fox At The Manger
A gift from my mum I adore this book. I know I shouldn’t judge a book by its cover but it really is gorgeous.
Written by the author of Mary Poppins, it is a must have.
A book to read to the children but you will enjoy it too.

3. A Child’s Christmas in Wales
A wonderful Welsh tale for all my fellow Welshies out there this Christmas.
Lovely colourful illustrations.

4. Through A Glass Darkly
A very emotional and heartwarming story between a sick girl and an angel.
I took this book off my parents when I was quite young thinking a would try and read a grown up book.
I really enjoyed the story and it has stuck with me for a very long time.

5. The Night Before Christmas
A traditional story to read the night before Christmas.
My husband bought me this special copy a few years ago.
Even as adults we read a Christmas story to each other every Christmas Eve.

6. Something From Tiffany’s
This chick lit is a quick romantic read over the Christmas period.
Who doesn’t wish for a little blue box under the Christmas tree?

7. Miracle On Regent Street
Another Christmas chick lit that I loved.
A magical and hopeful Christmas story to read on your daily commute.

8. Little Women
Everyone must read Little Women at least once…for me three times.
Definitely one of my favourite stories. Everyone should have a copy on their bookshelf.

9. I Heart Christmas
I adore the ‘I Heart…’ series by Lindsey Kelk.
I tend to read one of her books every summer holiday.
I read this very quickly last Christmas and loved it.

10. Fairy Christmas
Not quite a book to read but more a book to treasure.
Open up the book to see what all the Christmas Fairy’s get up to at Christmas.
The pictures are magical and there are lots of creative festive ideas of things to make over the Christmas period.



    • admin
      December 3, 2015 / 8:45 pm

      Hi Georgina,
      thank you very much for your recommendation too. I actually stumbled across that book on Amazon and was thinking about buying it. Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I will have to buy it now 🙂 x

  1. Jessica
    November 30, 2015 / 3:16 am

    Hi Megan,
    Your website with the photos of the classic Christmas books is wonderful. You might also like Closing the Book on Santa Claus by Ron Chandler. It is about a father who tries to save his daughter’s holiday celebration after it is cancelled at her school. He organizes a rally at city hall, but unexpected calamity prevails. Our family really enjoyed it.

    • admin
      December 3, 2015 / 8:43 pm

      Hi Jessica, awww that book sounds lovely. I will have a look for it on Amazon thank you x

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