Olympus Pen E-PL7 Unboxing

Olympus Pen E-PL7 Unboxing

The Olympus Pen seems to be dominating every bloggers Instagram feed. It is a beautiful digital camera that is small and compact. It looks old fashioned but is a modern touch screen camera with the ability to record video.

My husband surprised me by buying me the newest white E-PL7 camera. I am loving using it. It is so light that I can carry it around with me wherever I go. I have recently got in to the habit of just using my iPhone for photos because it is so easy to use it, considering it is always in my hand. Yet, with the Pen you can take far superior pictures using different lenses and then send it directly from your camera to your phone.

Below I have filmed my unboxing video so you can have a closer look at what you get with the Olympus Pen.

Where To Buy The Olympus Pen E-PL7
John Lewis

What I Am Wearing
Victoria Beckham
Urban Outiftters


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