I have a great love for Whole Foods. I think my love of Whole Foods began on a trip I took to New York when I was younger. We stayed in an apartment in Union Square right by a Whole Foods where we would go food shopping most days. Every Whole Foods in London has exactly the same smell when you walk in through the door as the store in New York. The scent as soon as I walk in hits me with memories of New York and for that half an hour that I spend shopping I am in a dream world of thinking that I am actually living in New York. The food is all a bit different from what we have in our normal supermarkets in the UK. You can make your own peanut butter, buy big scoops of seeds and grains. The only downside is the food is quite expensive. As a treat once in a while I pop into Whole Foods in London to stock up on some lovely treats which are actually mostly very healthy.
One cocktail infused afternoon, in a drunken stupor Liam and I headed into Whole Foods to spend a small fortune. We bought some raw chocolates, mounds of seeds and a lot of coconut flakes. Below is a link to my video haul where I talk about some of the products that we bought.
Items Mentioned
Navitas Naturals Organic Raw Hemp Protein Powder
Pumpkin Seeds
Coconut Flakes
Ombar 90%
Conscious Chocolate ‘Wild At Heart’
Conscious Mint Hint
Booja Booja Ice Cream
The Raw Chocolate Company Mulberry