My Netflix picks posts are proving to be rather popular on my stats table so I am back here with another for April. I have to say, choosing my Netflix Weekend Picks for this month has been tricky. Real slim pickings! I have started a few shows on Netflix but never come back to them because they didn’t quite grab my attention. As the nights are staying lighter for longer I am finding myself wanting to go out for cocktails by the river rather than stay in and watch TV. This being said we always need to watch a little TV to chill out to. Except for one show all this months picks are all Netflix originals.

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt – Season 2 (15th April)
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is back for season 2 on the 15th April and I can’t wait. I am sure I will binge watch it over the weekend. The trailer hints that Kimmy is to work in a Christmas shop so it is bound to be wonderful. Every character in this show is hillarious. The perfect show for a giggle.

The Ranch
Ashton Kutcher stars and produces in this new Netflix production. Kutcher plays a semi-pro football player that comes home to run the family business on the ranch. The first episode is slow in introducing us to the story but stay with it, by episode 2 you will be hooked.

Master Of None
Writer, lead actor and producer of the show, Master Of None is Aziz Ansari. I watched him interviewed on British TV and feel his humour was a little lost on the British audience. I gave the show a go and watched two episodes. I am not sure I was in the right frame of mind to be watching this slow paced show yet there were definitely some great scenes.

‘Fresh Meat’s’ Charlotte Ritchie plays the lead in BBC’s Siblings and is all kinds of hilarious. Ritchie is given the chance to shine in this program. Brother and sister Hannah and Dan are fantastically disgusting and horrible but hilariously so. I am so pleased Netflixs are now showing Siblings because BBC didn’t keep the show on iPlayer for very long. Siblings is an absolute must watch for lots of laughs.

I hope you enjoy my picks. Can you suggest any shows or movies that I may have missed? I am really excited that next month Orange Is The New Black is back for season 4.


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