Healthy Chocolate Chip Energy Balls Recipe

Healthy Chocolate Chip Energy Balls Recipe

I am sure that everyone has experienced a mid morning or mid afternoon slump once in a while. Instead of reaching for the yummy yet unhealthy biscuits how about pre-making these healthy chocolate chip energy balls with my recipe. They are incredibly quick to make, involve no cooking and are 99% incredibly healthy and you will most likely have all of these ingredients in your kitchen. The ingredients list is based on what I had left over and just happened to make 12 balls as a delicious snack…although I shared them with my family and only ended up with two for myself. Everyone adored them, in fact my mum thought they were similar to Halva. Next time I make these I am tempted to dip them in melted dark chocolate then roll them in ground coconut…hmmm….not quite so healthy but wow that would be yummy.

1 tablespoon of peanut butter (you could use crunchy for a nice texture but I didn’t have any)
1 tablespoon of almond butter
2 tablespoons Coconut flakes/desiccated
1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds
3 teaspoons of honey (more to help bind if needed)
2 chunks of dark chocolate

If you want to make these balls healthier you can skip the chocolate.
☆If you want to make balls vegan replace chocolate for vegan chocolate and honey for date/agave syrup.
Use 2 tablespoons of peanut butter if you don’t have any almond butter.
If you do not have coconut you could use sesame to coat the balls.

If you only have coconut flakes, grind them up in a blender (I use this Kenwood one which is great for small quantities and strong and sharp enough to blend nuts very quickly) then place the coconuts aside in a small bowl.
Place the pumpkin seeds, chocolate pieces, honey, peanut butter and almond butter in a blender and zap until it turns into a damp sandy substance.
Pour out the mixture onto a clean surface and roll into a tightly compacted ball to bring out the nuts oils.
Roll the dough into balls the size of large grapes. When rolling each individual ball they should be a tiny bit oily which is perfect to roll around in your bowl of ground coconut. Continue until you have used up all your ingredients.
Et Voila you have a bundle of yummy energy boosters.

If you enjoy this recipe, how about trying my recipe for Quinoa Goddess Balls.


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