What Have I Learnt In A Year Of Blogging

What Have I Learnt In A Year Of Blogging

I have been unsure of whether to celebrate my one year of blogging or not because technically I have been blogging on and off for many years. The only reason I started this particular blog was because I forgot to cancel my direct debit payment for this webpage and my mum said I should make the most of it and make another blog. Well I would like to thank my mum because this blog has created some incredible opportunities.

I have dabbled in many blogs specialising in baking, modelling and even acne!! Yet this lifestyle blog has somehow stuck. I think broadening the scope of my blogs subject to “Lifestyle”…like a million other blogs out there has really helped me feel less restricted. I love it because I am able to widen my creative thoughts and share everything and anything with you. I feel at this one year landmark of megantaylor.london I would like to share with you my new menu header up above called “MUSINGS”. This is going to be a little section of my site, “Megan’s Musings”, where I will ramble on about a subject that is currently on my mind. In fact this blog post will be under the musings title because of my current state of blurting out utter randomness. I do hope you like my new little section of my blog which will be a bit more talkative and a chance for me to flex my writing skills a little more.

This one year of blogging landmark happens to have roughly coincided with my birthday so I shall raise a glass to my year of committed blogging professionally and turning one year older. Blogging has led some very exciting opportunities and I hope this can help inspire you too to start blogging. There is definitely a space for everyone to blog in the internet stratosphere and I would certainly encourage it because it can lead to opportunities beyond your wildest imagination.

Thank you to every one of you who has helped support me and helped me make blogging another one of my many career paths. I hope you will continue to follow me along this exciting journey.

xXx M xXx

Feature image sourced from Pinterest with no luck in finding the owner. Please let me know if you are the owner so I can credit you x


  1. August 31, 2016 / 2:23 pm

    So pleased I encouraged you to do this. I love your blog 🙂 Mum xxxxx

    • Megan
      October 4, 2016 / 6:39 pm

      Love you lots mummy xXx

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