The Coolest Snack Of The Moment

The Coolest Snack Of The Moment | Megan Taylor

I am a snacking fiend. I either spend my days hunched over my laptop or scooting around from audition to audition. With my hectic lifestyle I often miss out on time to sit down and eat lunch. In turn I have to have a bag full of snacks. I am constantly on the hunt for healthy snacks to eat on the go. My snack tick list tends to be; sugar free, vegetarian and most randomly and most importantly, snacks that don’t get stuck in my teeth. This last point is because when I am in between auditions I can’t have bits of food in my teeth without realising. I recently came across the company ‘Nothing But’ and I believe they have now answered my prayers! If like me you love a new snack then read ahead for the coolest snack of the moment…

The company Nothing But have a whole range of snacks which are split into savoury and sweet and are just freeze dried with nothing added. With my insanely sweet tooth I can’t help but prefer the sweet treats yet much like desert let’s save that treat until last and get started with the savoury offerings.

Buy ‘Nothing But’ here.

The Coolest Snack Of The Moment | Megan Taylor

Beetroot & Parsnip • Pea & Sweetcorn • Mange Tout & Red Pepper
My favourite was the sweetcorn pieces, most likely because they were the sweetest. Yet the combination of the peas and sweetcorn together worked really well. The flavour of the red pepper was amazing, the freezing process really brought out the flavour.

The Coolest Snack Of The Moment | Megan Taylor

Apple & Fig • Strawberry & Bannana • Pineapple & Grape
I think my favourite packet was the Pineapple & Grape. My mouth is literally watering as I sit here typing. The pineapple is familiar as I am a huge pineapple fan with dried pineapple snacks but I have never had grapes like this before. They tasted absolutely incredible and wonderfully sweet. I also adored the strawberries.

The Coolest Snack Of The Moment | Megan Taylor
I have really enjoyed trying out all of these snacks. I actually poured all of the packets into two bowls, one sweet and one savoury and felt like they would be a wonderful alternative to snacking on popcorn or sweets at the cinema. Have you tried the Nothing But products before? Do you have any other amazing sugar free snacks that I should try?

Buy ‘Nothing But’ here.

These products were gifted to me. All opinions are my own.

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