OOTD {November 25th}

OOTD {November 20th} | Megan Taylor

I am beginning a new fashion series on my blog which I hope you will all like and be inspired by. I am aiming to put up a blog post once a week which features an OOTD (Outfit Of The Day) which showcase fashion items I have loved during the week. This week I am featuring what has kept me warm over a very chilly weekend break in Wales.


If you can’t afford the saught after shearling aviator jacket from Acne then this jacket from Zara is a must have for you. It is near identical. Literally sooo identical that I am not sure how Zara got away with it? Unfortunately for Acne, their loss is my gain and a near £1800 saving.

OOTD {November 20th} | Megan Taylor


A couple of friends at bootcamp had these festive alcohol bobble hats on and I immediately fell in love with them, especially once I realised they had cute alcoholic puns. Gin-gle Bells and Proseco Ho Ho.

OOTD {November 20th} | Megan Taylor
I am aiming to keep up with these short and sweet OOTD fashion posts for you to help inspire your seasonal fashion picks.



    • Megan
      November 26, 2016 / 3:11 pm

      Thank you Han. It is also super warm which is perfect for someone who is constantly cold 😛 x

    • Megan
      November 26, 2016 / 3:12 pm

      Thank you Sigute. The Prosecco one was sold out when I last checked but it is amazing 🙂 xx

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