As I scroll through my Facebook and Twitter timeline I am inundated with people saying how dreadful 2016 has been. Yes, there have been a HUGE amount of upset, yet these often traumatic events happen every year and I personally like to dwell on the happiness and the achievements from the year. Instead of thinking, yay, good riddance to 2016, I like to think about everything that I have achieved over the year and then set goals for the year to come. So, lets give a big welcome to 2017 without hating on 2016.
What have you achieved in 2016? Have you had some fantastic happy moments? Let me know about them.
Personally I am most pleased with these things (with regards to my blog & writing career):
• Being accepted as a blogger for the Huffington Post
• Continuing to write for The Daily Mail Online
• Completing my ’12 Days Of Christmas’ on You Tube
• Getting a blogging agent!
• Being nominated for the UK Blog Awards.
• Continuing to write my blog with a minimum of 1 post a week.
• Collaborated with some incredible companies.
• Being featured in Look Magazine on behalf of my blog.
What are your goals for 2017? Let me know what your goals are? Have you got anything exciting coming up? Is there anything you would like me to work on for my blog/You Tube channel?
• Continue to learn how to use my camera better and stop using AUTO!
• Work with some more exciting companies.
• Post more fashion related content.
• Write a minimum of 2 posts a week.
• Create 1 You Tube video per week.
• Film and upload 1 vlog per month!!
{not quite sure what I am doing with my left hand…}
Try writing a list of everything you have achieved or enjoyed over the past year. You will be surprised at how far you have come. Read my blog post from last year with some top tips on how to start the new year with a sense of accomplishment.
I hope you all have a fantastic New Years celebration…see you in 2017 xx