Does anyone else have a copper obsession? My eyes are constantly drawn to anything with a copper or rose gold tint. I literally can’t help myself. I have noticed that my cutlery drawer has been taken over by the copper beauty and I feel I have to share its beauty with you…starting with copper spooning.
Where better to sate your copper appetite than Oliver Bonas? I have always loved Oliver Bonas but it seems they are on a mission to take all of my money right now. I can’t walk past without spotting something that I want in their window. There is always a glimmer of rose gold catching my eye like a hawk. If you haven’t heard of Oliver Bonas before or don’t like in the UK then I seriously suggest you make the trip or shop online.
It is probably a sign that I have actually grown up because I have to admit I think I prefer shopping for homeware than for clothes. Shock horror! I think it is because you don’t have to try the items on for size, you can just buy the item and know it will be fine. By buying just one spoon you can spruce up your home and feel a teensy little bit more happy. I adore all of these spoons from Oliver Bonas, I feel like these pastel painted copper spoons (above) are going to be featured on my blog regularly during the Spring and Easter period.
Are you obsessed with copper and rose gold as well? I really want a full copper cutlery set in my drawer where can I find them for a less than extortionate fee?
So pretty 🙂