Valentine’s Day is creeping up and even though some people believe it is simple a commercial farce, I personally adore the day. Even when I was younger and didn’t have a boyfriend I still loved the day. My mum would always buy everyone in my family heart shaped chocolates and everything just seemed rosier. What can I say, I just love love! Liam and I don’t always spend loads on each other every Valentine’s Day yet some years we will buy each other a proper present like we would at Christmas and each others birthdays. It kind of depends on how we are feeling financially that year. We sometimes plan to spend our money on a trip instead of a tangible present but we always give each other a card. I have drawn up a big Valentines gift guide full of ideas for him.
A book is a great present idea for the man in your life, however long you have been together. There are loads of funny Ladybird books around at the moment which are easy to buy for even the shortest of relationships. There are lots of coffee table books for every hobby out there. I love the latest Mr Porter book as an idea for the more fashion conscious gents.
All the men I know get very excited by a new bit of gadgetry (honestly, so do I). The best picks for mens gadgets actually cost quite a lot but I have picked some affordable and slightly less affordable but wonderful products.
Not all men are into fashion. In fact, unless my mum buys clothes for my brother and dad I am pretty sure they wouldn’t even own a pair of boxers! Yet, some men are really into fashion and I love this as you can easily buy a posh white tee or something that any guy would want and need.
Not many men buy beauty products for themselves but as the love of their lives it is your duty to make them smell fresh, mostly for yourself. Scents are the hardest thing to buy because this is so personal. I, myself have a perfume that I would say is my signature scent and I know a lot of other people that feel this way so it would be a waste of money for someone to buy me perfume.
There are so many ways to have fun for Valentine’s day. I love to spend a day/evening at home and make an at home champagne fuelled tea party. Check out these cheap date ideas. If you fancy venturing out then a cinema date at an Everyman cinema with dinner and cocktails is a lovely treat. Liam and I love to go to new cocktail bars around London. I planned out a lovely date night in Soho, London. here.
Great ideas! x
Thank you Glenda, Happy almost Valentine’s Day ? x