My hair is a huge part of me. Isn’t it funny how our crowning glory can make or break a day for some of us. I definitely am one of those people. For some people it is their shoes or outfit, I am definitely a hair gal. If I hair lank greasy hair you can bet that I won’t be the best company. I am blessed (gawd, sorry for using that #blessed word) with a lot of hair yet I have unruly hair that isn’t properly curly but a fluffy mess that is curly in some places, frizzy in others and just a hay bail over all. The saving grace to my hair is that it will style in any way you want it to…that has been great for hair stylists on modelling jobs. Earlier in the year I was at the hairdressers and they mentioned that they were spraying a heat protector spray on my hair before styling it…shock horror but I had to admit that I had never used such a product. I use a heat appliance on my hair in some way, E V E R Y single day wahhh. Well, since that moment I have been a heat protector spray addict, trying out a few along the way. If you use heat treatment in the form of a hair dryer, straighteners or tongs you should definitely get involved.


As I said above I am vaguely new to this heat protector malarky, but I won’t be going back. I always thought that putting any product at all in my freshly washed hair would make it immediately feel dirty again. I can never be bothered to wash my hair and find it a bit of a chore because I know that the whole process from dry-wet-dry is rather arduous. My hairdresser explained that I shouldn’t spray heat protecting products into my roots but to only spray on the ends of the hair (about half way down only) and to the front strands. Since using this product and any other heat protector, I haven’t noticed my hair getting dirtier any quicker so I am super happy. This Tigi ‘Flat Iron Shine Spray‘ is my current fave (on sale right now).


With the summer breeze that Hurricane Gert is gracing us with right now, even those with the most perfect hair will need a spritz of hair spray. I am currently using this Tigi ‘Vivacious Volume Hair Spray’, which I adore, mostly for the fact it smells like water-mellon’s and pineapple’s. I also love the fact that this humungous bottle of hair spray has so much power when you spray it. I have found that it has a great hold for the day but after a nights sleep it needs another spritz. This spray also brushes out very easily so doesn’t leave you feeling like you have dirty claggy hair.

Do you regularly use a heat protector spray? If not, then what are you waiting for? Also,
all of the shoppable links below are giving you some serious sale discount prices right now!!





    • Megan
      September 7, 2017 / 2:35 pm

      Fab, let me know how you get on 🙂 x

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