NETFLIX PICKS {NOVEMBER 2017} | Megan Taylor

The Christmas holiday are fast approaching, or what I like to call hermit season. Time to sit back and catch up on everything you have missed during the year because work and general life have got in your way. Well, before that moment (don’t worry I have an epic Christmas watchlist on the agenda for your holidays) I am here with my monthly Netflix Picks. Make sure you catch up on my last Netflix Picks as well.


Did you watch the Bradley Cooper film Limitless a long long time ago? I thought it was amazing. It was the story of a guy that’s slacking in life but comes across a drug that is basically speed. It makes him amazing at absolutely everything, the drug enables him to work to his full capability. Well, it did so well that they made a TV program about it. Unfortunately only 1 season was made but Liam and I are half way through and loving it. The main character isn’t played by Cooper, although he does make a few appearances. The storyline leads on well from the movie.


I am incredibly late to the Stranger Things game. I had been meaning to watch it since it first began I thought it may be too scary. During the hype of season 2’s premier I gave in and binged 2 seasons worth in under 2 weeks. It is incredible!! Te cast are incredible!! The storyline is fantastic. So fantastic so that Liam and I rushed home after dinner in FLORENCE to watch the last episode. We were having serious withdrawals after we had finished so watched the Beyond Strange Things series of interviews with the cast. Also, fab and a must watch to find out more juicy on set gossip.


I’m not sure I know anyone else that watched Jane The Virgin but there must be some people out there because they keep coming back with more and more episodes. I used to watch it on E4 but it is now airing on Netflix which is amazing as I have been downloading episodes to watch whilst commuting or blow drying my hair. JTV is so funny and I am pretty sure I have learnt tons of Spanish thanks to the show. Season 4 has begun airing and is more emotional in the aftermath of a big character dying. Make sure you watch.


I’m not sure I can be friends with someone who hated La La Land…I vaguely kid because some of my closest friends seem to have hated La La Land. Liam and I on the other hand have watched it twice in the cinema and twice on DVD…yup, serious fans. I am surprised Liam enjoyed it but he has learnt to play the piano because of it. I found it really hit close to home with the whole casting actress thing…Love Love Love this movie.


Everyone has seen Doctor Foster right?? If you haven’t you probably already know what happens because of the cult of people double screening and watching and tweeting during this show. This show isn’t funny or happy but incredibly well written and acted. Season 1 is on Netflix so head on over to watch and be half more in the know as such.

What have you been watching this month?



  1. November 27, 2017 / 4:51 pm

    I’m taking that as express permission to immediately watch La La Land again.
    ; )
    Love your blog Megan.

    • Megan
      November 30, 2017 / 9:14 pm

      hehe I love that. I hope you enjoyed watching La La Land again 🙂 xx

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