Welcome to January and the typical, “I’m going to lose weight this month” blah blah blah. Well, this is my aim and before you say, you’re not fat. I know I’m not fat but in my chatting below you will see why I need to shed a teensy bit for myself. Everyone has their own reasons and below are mine. Make sure you comment below if you are on a quest this month so we can all support each other.


A small part of my work is that of a fittings model (if you don’t know what this is have a little catch up on my most read blog post ever here). As a fittings model, I am measured weekly and each centimetre of difference is noted down. I fit as a size 8 and am currently a large size 8. Over my almost TWELVE years as a model (how has that happened, my gawwwwd) I have been a super tiny size 8, a small size 10 and now a large size 8. I’m not sure how I have got a little bigger lately, no I am not pregnant, but maybe it’s because I have got older? Who knows? I exercise just as much as normal and eat a little healthier so I’m really not sure why. My slight increase in size is probably only about 1.5cm different from my smallest. This may sound ridiculous to some people but for me in my job it actually means quite a lot. I would rather sit comfortably in the middle of a size 8 measurement than bordering on the edge, therefore I am here to do something about it, and a new year is the perfect time and excuse because there are so many other people around me doing the same thing causing less distractions from my aim. I am not one to weigh myself on the weighing scales, I believe in a measuring tape and your standard skinny jeans to see how you are doing.
I will tell you how I aim to get back slimmer again in a moment but I want to let you know that I will come back again in the middle on February to let you know how I have got along, see if I stuck with it and how many centimetres I have lost or gained on my bust, waist and hips. I started this plan on the 2nd of January and will finish it on the 13th February, the day before Valentine’s Day…wish me luck…maybe I will be feeling super hot this Valentine’s Day ;P x


My main aim is to not feel deprived and left out whilst trying to be healthy so these are my plans laid out bare for all to see, which you may want to follow yourself (be sure to let me know if you are going to do the same. We can be health buddies).
I don’t drink any soft drinks unless it is a mixer for alcohol so this isn’t too tricky for me but I am sticking to water and herbal teas for the whole duration. There are so many incredible herbal teas that don’t taste like a rubbish Ribena. In fact, you should check out my current favourite herbal teas here. I may fancy up my water with lemon slices but that’s as jazzy as I will be getting. I had my fair share of alcohol over Christmas so don’t feel deprived by not drinking for a few weeks.
Food is a bit of a trickier one with many more bits and bobs to it. If you didn’t know, my hubby is a super brainy sports and nutrition kinda guy and last year wrote a fabulously successful ebook (I was one of the people to proof it so I have read it numerous times and can vouch for it being great) called Eat & Move which is based on a low carb, high fat lifestyle and comes with many great workouts you can do at home. This is obviously not a paid ad but I could rave about him for days…he is my husband after all. He has had many amazing case studies of people losing weight on his plan, getting back to health and exercise and even reversed their type 2 diabetes!!
So, my plan is to be low carb, this is NOT no carb but I will be eating only healthy carbs such as pumpernickel bread and lentils rather than lots of pappy bread and pasta and I will mostly be consuming them at breakfast and lunch rather than at dinner. I will be completely off bad sugars. I will eat a little bit of fruit and healthy chocolate such as Om Bars and Booja Booja ice creams and chocolates as my naughty sweeter treats. Here are my favourite healthy sweet treats which I will be allowing myself on a few occasions. My absolute favourite sweet but healthy treat which I constantly ask Liam to make is his sugar free biscuits, they are sooo good. The recipe for these is here.
My only exceptions to the alcohol “ban” will be on celebrations. This will include family and friends’ birthdays and any immediate family or mine and Liam’s work success’. If I book some crazy amazing TV job…I’m going to drink a bottle of Champagne and possibly some chocolate dipped strawberries, there’s no question! Maybe this will be the perfect drive that I need to go and get some amazing jobs and this excites me a huge deal.
I am pretty into my fitness and always have been so to do exercise in general isn’t a hardship for me. I adore that sense of achievement you get after a bit of exercise. If you need some motivational tips to get out exercising check out my blog from a couple of years ago full of helpful tips. My fitness aims for this little project is to keep up with what I normally do which is 2-3 bootcamp classes a week and 2 5km runs and 1 6km run. Yet, I am also going to try and include a few longer 8 or 10km runs during the few weeks. I am even going to try and add in some fun activities that I can do with Liam like climbing, trampolining, gymnastics classes and long dog walks.

Are you on a quest to lose weight or get a little healthier this month? Have you got any tips to share?




  1. Vicki Smith
    January 10, 2018 / 10:52 pm

    Good Luck Hun! I’m sure you’ll smash it! Aiming to do almost exactly the same thing as you and you’re a massive inspiration so I’m sure it’ll all go amazingly for you! 😘 x

    • Megan
      January 11, 2018 / 7:18 pm

      Thank you so much Vicki, you are so lovely xxxx Good luck to you as well, let me know how it goes xx

  2. January 8, 2018 / 3:21 pm

    I love it. Let’s do this! xXx

    • Megan
      January 11, 2018 / 7:18 pm

      Yeah! Bring it on 🙂 xx

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