The new year can be tough. You may be feeling torn between wanting to smash those new year goals and wanting to hibernate under the duvet and watch movies 24/7 but these books will help inspire you to go and get what you want. I have owned three of these books for a few years now and I still go back to them.
This book is a newbie which I am only half way through called Get Your Shit Together. It really is quite cutting and to the point, so not one for the faint hearted. If you like people to say it how it is then this is the book for you. There’s no beating around the bush with this book, Sarah Knight is here to help you sort your life out. You say you’re always late, she’ll tell you how to get your act together and how simple it really is. This is a great funny and light hearted book for those with a little sense of humour.
I got this Kikki.K Goals Journal early last year, the cover is now rebranded but the contents are the same. This book is set out like a diary, split into months with questions asking you what you want to achieve this month and how you are going to achieve them. It is a write-in hard back book which at first feels like sacrilege to write in such a pretty book but you get used to it and think of it as the poshest diary you have ever owned. If you like to plan your months out and reflect on your accomplishments this is the book for you.
I adore this book, The Life Plan. Not only is it beautiful but it is informative too. I love how this book teaches you about the simple things in life then gives you space to write down your own personal thoughts and answers. It sounds a bit saccharine but it helps you learn about yourself…my goodness, if my dad were reading this he would shouting at me haha. Yet, it really does, one of the chapters is called, “So really, who are you?”. It helps you define your values and work out what you really want in life. You know those deep and meaningful chats you have with your mum or besties that make your brain whirl around with a million different exciting thoughts of how incredible your life is going to be, well this book is that.
Have you ever heard of The Secret before? It was incredible famous about 6 years ago. I’m pretty sure ever celebrity out there was singing its praises back then. There is also a DVD to go alongside it but I wouldn’t necessarily recommend that as, in my opinion, it comes across as a little “culty”. The book however is great. I find it really inspiring. Its basic ethos is that you have to put out in the universe what you want from life otherwise you’ll never get it. There’s no point in keeping what you want a secret. For example, who knows, if you told a friend that you wanted to open your coffee shop and they knew someone who wanted to invest in someone and pow you’re a step closer. Random analogy but there you go hehe.
G0 smash your dreams this year and let me know your plans xx