How To Travel First Class With An Economy Budget

How To Travel First Class With An Economy Budget

The price of travelling first class seems to be similar to my mortgage payments for a year. I’m not sure I can quite justify paying that amount of money for a seat/bed and some grotty food therefore I have come up with these top tips of how to travel first class on an economy budget and make everyone around you insanely jealous.

1. Comfort
A key draw to travelling first class is your comfort. Whilst you can’t transform your seat into a bed when you are in economy you can make yourself comfortable. You could pay £15 for the more spacious seats yet for me I hate this as you have to put your handbag in the over-head locker. I prefer to make the most of my squishy cubby hole. I make sure I am in the window seat so no one can disturb me with their toilet needs and you will then be able to rest your head on the wall. I always bring a plush tracksuit and slipper socks with me. I travel with this one from The White Company because it doesn’t look too much like pyjamas. I get changed in the toilets before boarding the plane.

2. Posh Nosh
Before you board the plane take a shopping trip to Pret and get a bag full of scrumptious yummies. You could also pick up an orange juice for an in flight mimosa. Purchase a small bottle of bubbly on the plane and extend its use by adding juice to each glass of fizz.

3. Movie Mania
First class and long haul flights may well have the latest unreleased movies but there are likely to be hundreds of released movies that you are still yet to watch. I like to download a load of movies from iTunes onto my iPad. I also trawl across iPlayer and 4oD for the latest episodes of shows that I haven’t had time to catch up on. iPlayer often has a few select movies that you can download for free. Last summer I watched My Week With Marilyn after downloading it for free from the BBC iPlayer and it was a wonderful movie.

4. Cosy
A large cashmere scarf that will double up as a blanket is perfect for that cosy feeling. Snuggle up under your blanket whilst watching your movie and sipping on your mimosa.

5. Pillow talk
You know those ugly looking neck pillows that have been circling airports for many years well now they have stepped things up with some cute furry cuddly toy pillows. I have a monkey that Liam bought me on holiday many years ago and is still travelling around the world with me.



Make sure you check out the Virgin Atlantic Upper Class commercial…don’t blink otherways you may miss me playing the air hostess.



  1. Glenda Taylor
    August 18, 2016 / 6:09 am

    Great ideas. Can’t wait for my next trip ☀️?

    • Megan
      August 18, 2016 / 7:12 pm

      Thank you…happy travelling x

    • March 9, 2017 / 9:42 am

      Nakama dit :Quand j’ai lu &lopra; RIP&nbsq;&uaquo;, j’ai failli pleurer car j’appréhendais trop ! J’ai envie de dire « Ouf », mais ça sent la mort dans ce chapitre. Donc, Requiescat In Pace Lector, bien fait pour le Master de Saber’, et vivement la suite ! =)PAF.

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